Theme of boy or baby girl.
To make a cake shaped baby is a natural for this theme. You can do this in a round baking pan of regular cupcakes and easily. Make a round cake round cake 8 inches, 9-inch, 16 cup cake. 8-inch cake round cake 9 inch round body and three of the four cup cake, you can can be used to make arms and legs each, and place for the head. You can be white skin tone matte shades of color by using a small amount of icing Cooper. You can also use a 9-inch round cake to make a baby face simply. There is also shaped like a bottle of bread you can rattle baby, buggy, for you to use.
Monkey baby shower cake ideas.
Form of monkey bread is the easiest way to go to this theme. In addition, you can use the 9-inch round cake to make a monkey face, to use the above ideas. You will need to add half of the cake for the ears. The monkey also made of plastic, you can create a great cup cake topper or cake topper.
Winnie the Pooh Winnie the Pooh theme.
Place the red shirt to bear you, you can use a dark yellow icing for the bear, teddy bear to make bread in the form of Winnie the Pooh. However, we have earned the Pooh Winnie the Pooh character's plastic that is easy to put on top of the cake further. You may cake topper can be found online can be simply put on top of the sheet cake.
Baby shower cake ideas of sport.
9-inch round cake can be frosted white and baseball and several pipe red frosting for the race easily in baseball. We still need more may be made outside of the cake of this size easily and basketball soccer ball, the color of another frost just for you. You can also cut the cake of this size in the form of soccer. Having a cake in the form of several different balls, you can make fun of this theme, you can provide a lot of cake for your guests.

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